API service customers expanding

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The meeting to present the API service provided by Chige Systems to partner organizations continues for the 3rd time. Based on artificial intelligence, the service is an automation technology solution aimed at facilitating your daily operations, reducing the workload of employees and improving real results. Introducing APIs can help you innovate by making your digital products more alive, easier, and more engaging.…

To choose the right one for you from the Chimege API: Chimege API – Chimege API

We cooperate with many organizations introducing digital services, and representatives of branches such as Mobicom, Golomt, People's Financial Union, Trade and Development Bank, Khas Bank, Sky Media, and King Bank attended the API service presentation event. We would like to thank our partner organizations who accept our invitation and lead the transition and renewal together.



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Төв оффис: Sukhbaatar square 8/1, City tower 401, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Холбогдох утас: 77401140
И-мэйл хаяг: info@chimege.com

Website: Chimege.com