We have unlocked advanced technologyfor Mongolia's future.
Chimege Systems stands out as Mongolia's leading startup,making strides in global artificial intelligence development
International awards

Global Winner

Deep tech Pioneer

ITU Finalist

Regional Winner
Монголын ирээдүйн төлөө оюун бодлоо чилээсэн өндөр чадвартай, оюунлаг залуусаар эгнээгээ тэлж, хагас сая орчим хүмүүст хүрч үйлчилж байна.

We are in step with the global trend of artificial intelligence.
We connect people to modern world.
We leverage artificial intelligence technology to make easier people's lives and enhance profitability for business.
We - Resist, not flow - Actions speak louder than words - Grow together, not compete each other
Voice is the Future.